This principle of guys paying for dinner when they go on a date with a girl has gotten way more complicated, it used to be easy, If you are a guy you pay. Now it might upset her because
- it's an expression of the archaic patriarchal society repressing the freedom of women, including the freedom to pay. She's a 21th century girl/woman and can take care of her self.
- she doesn't want to feel like she owes anything to the guy, likes to feel independent.
- she might interpret it as if the guy is trying to pay her for sex
- to quoute a friend "she's a grownup, not a baby"
or if the guy doesn't pay it might upset her because
- he's rude, haven't been brought up properly
- he doesn't know how to take care of a girl
And that's just the basics, if you add to this mix the difference in income at the age of 20-25 when some people are looking for jobs and are broke, some are studying and are semi-broke and some people work and got a boatload of money it get's even more complicated. And some girl want to be asked just so they can say no. And if it isn't the first date then you have to consider who took the initiative for the date, and if you or she has paid previously and how much and how expensive those restaurants were.
To summarise the problem: "peh..."
And to finish off this whiny post on a lighter note a nice quote; "Would you like some cheese with that whine"
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